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81. Ungkanont K., Laksuwong M., Vitavasiri A., Tunsuriyawong P., Na Nakorn A. .
Deep Neck Infection from Cervical Osteomyelitis in an Intravenous Drug Abuser : A case report. .
Siriraj Hospital Gazette.  1995.  47  (9): 827-831.
Journal Name : Siriraj Hospital Gazette
Source : ISI
82. Vijatrasil S., Makemaharn O., Upaisilsathaporn P.
Application of the hypo-osmotic swelling test to spermatozoa prepared by swim-up and discontinuous Percoll separation.
International Journal of Andrology.  1995.  18  (SUPPL. 1): 19-22.
Journal Name : International Journal of Andrology
Source : Scopus
83. Visitsunthorn N., Komolpis P.
Antimicrobial therapy in Plesiomonas shigelloides-associated diarrhea in Thai children.
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health.  1995.  26  (1): 86-90.
Journal Name : The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
Source : Scopus
84. Visitsunthorn N., Sittichockananon N., Tuchinda M., Wongsinchao S.
A comparison of admission patterns of childhood asthma in 1982 and 1992.
Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology.  1995.  13  (2): 123-128.
Journal Name : Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology
Source : Scopus
85. Visitsunthorn N., Tuchinda M., Vichyanond P.
Cold urticaria in Thai children: Comparison between cyproheptadine and ketotifen in the treatment.
Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology.  1995.  13  (1): 29-35.
Journal Name : Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology
Source : Scopus
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