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61. Sivayathorn A., Verallo-Rowell V., Graupe K.
20% azelaic acid cream in the topical treatment of melasma: A double-blind comparison with 2% hydroquinone.
European Journal of Dermatology.  1995.  5  (8): 680-684.
Journal Name : European Journal of Dermatology
Source : Scopus
62. Songcharoen P.
Brachial plexus injury in Thailand: A report of 520 cases.
Microsurgery.  1995.  16  (1): 35-39.
Journal Name : Microsurgery
Source : Scopus
63. Songcharoen P., Thanapipatsiri S., Mahaisavariya B., Chotigavanich C.
Thumb reconstruction with a big toe microvascular wrap-around flap: a report of fifteen cases.
Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore.  1995.  24  (4 Suppl): 46-50.
Journal Name : Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore
Source : Scopus
64. Songsivilai S., Dharakul T., Senawong S.
Hepatitis B- and hepatitis C-associated hepatocellular carcinoma: Evaluation of alpha-fetoprotein as a diagnostic marker.
Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology.  1995.  13  (2): 167-171.
Journal Name : Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology
Source : Scopus
65. Stephens H.A.F., Brown A.E., Chandanayingyong D., Webster H.K., Sirikong M., Longta P., Vangseratthana R., Gordon D.M., Lekmak S., Rungruang E.
The presence of the HLA class II allele DPB1(*)0501 in ethnic Thais correlates with an enhanced vaccine-induced antibody response to a malaria sporozoite antigen.
European Journal of Immunology.  1995.  25  (11): 3142-3147.
Journal Name : European Journal of Immunology
Source : Scopus
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