Name :  anonymous  Date/Time of Question : 20/7/2564 16:46:56
Topics :  140395  Robotic aided Prostatectomy
Question :  Dear Sir/Mme, What would be the total estimate cost for Robotic Aided Prostatectomy? Where would it be done (Building/wing)? What would be the min waiting time to do it? Would pre-analysis (i.e. Biopsy, MRI) from other sources be accepted? Appreciate to hear from you soon. Thank you
Answer :  this operation was performed by our Urologist who has experience in this type of operation. it will be performed in our main operating room Sayaminthara building. you can visit our out patient of Surgical department, urology unit , then our specialist will evaluate and plan the treatment for you
By physician :  055
Consultant physician  :  -
Date/Time of Answer :  17/8/2564 14:15:59
